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Hadiths about Imam Mahdi. 1

  «عن امِّ سلمَة، قَالَتْ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اَللَّهِ يَقُولُ: اَلْمَهْدِيُّ مِنْ عِتْرَتِي مِنْ وُلْدِ فَاطِمَةَ». "It is narrated from Umm-e Salamah to have said, 'I heard from the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) to have said, 'Mahdi is of my lineage, from Fāṭima's sons.'" (Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 51, p. 75, Ḥadith 30; Sunan, by Abī Dāwūd, vol. 4, p. 1832, Hadith 4284; Sunan, by Ibn Mājih, Kitāb al-Fitan, Section Khurūj al-Mahdi, …

Imam Mahdi’s position in Shiˈa teachings

Imam Mahdi’s position in Shiˈa teachings Preface "Imamate", in the view of Twelver Shiˈa[1], is considered as the continuity of divine Messengerhood and Prophethood in the sense that, although divine revelation is not revealed to the "Imam", some duties of the prophets such as the interpretation of religion and the guidance of people are among his responsibilities, because the Muslims, to know their duties towards God, always need an infallible …

The Merits and the Rituals of Mid-Shaʿbān

The Merits and the Rituals of Mid-Shaʿbān One of the most important religious occasions among Muslims is the 15th of the month of Shʿabān. Mid-Shʿabān has a special significance for Muslims throughout the world and is honored and celebrated in many Islamic countries. On this day, a number of rallies and conferences are held across Muslim countries by both Shia and Sunni scholars to commemorate this auspicious occasion. All Muslims …

The Story of Imam Mahdi's Honorable Mother

The Story of Imam Mahdi's Honorable Mother The mother of Imam Mahdi, as the one giving birth to the last divine savior, must have a highly exalted status of spiritual perfection. Unfortunately, for some reason, especially her being in a suffocating and unbearable climate, our understanding of that noble lady is very limited. Following some Islamic narrations and historical reports, there are some general possibilities of her identity: 1. She …

Muslims' Duties at the Time of Imam Mahdi's Disappearance

Muslims' Duties at the Time of Imam Mahdi's Disappearance  One of the issues that the believers in Imam Mahdi would like to understand during the time of his Major Occultation, is to take cognizance of the tasks that are assigned to them during this period. It is totally clear that a loyal expectant awaiting the Imam and looking forward to the great universal peacemaker must also show his or her …

Physical description of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h)

Physical description of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) Introduction Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) is the Imam of believers from all social strata, but naturally, many people are not capable of debating using the concept of Imamate. Hence, for people, a simple way to gain a better understanding of the Imam and making a better image of him in their minds is to know the physical characteristics of the Imam, which have been reflected …

Mahdism and Globalization

Mahdism and Globalization Conceptology of globalization Lexical concept: From the lexical point of view, "globalization" is derived from "globe". The word "globe" means sphere, and rounding;[1] also “the globe” means the world and universal.[2] Therefore, "Globalization" can be understood as "the interconnectedness of the world in all fields", in that it is like an interconnected being. Terminological concept: For the globalization, in terms of terminology, there is not a single …

Jazīrah al-khaḍrāʼ (Green Island)

Jazīrah al-khaḍrāʼ (Green Island) One of the raised questions for the Twelver Shias, who believe in the living and disappeared Imam is about the residing place of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) during the Major Occultation. In response to such a question, some put forward a suggestion i.e. "Khaḍrāʼ Island" as the place of residence of the Imam (p.b.u.h). The main source of reference for the believers of this idea is the …

Dajjāl (Anti-Christ)

  Dajjāl (Anti-Christ) Introduction Dajjāl is one of the related issues to Mahdism. Though the term "Dajjāl" is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, many commentators quoted, under some verses[1], a few narrations about the rebellion of the Dajjāl.[2] According to a variety of the narrations, some believe that Dajjāl is one of the signs of the advent of Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) and even one of the definite sign of …