The Awaited Savior of Humanity (Forty Hadiths about Imam Mahdi)

In following the above Hadiths, the Islamic Education Board of the World Federation of KSIMC (IEB - WF) has decided to publish a vseries of booklets of 40 a¦¡d¢th (traditions) on different subjects. The Hadiths that have been selected from various sources are short and simple and therefore easy to understand and memorize. It is envisaged that the booklets will not only be useful for Zakireen, Madrasah teachers and students, but will be of benefit to the Ummah at large.

The collection of the a¦¡d¢th and introduction of this present work was done by {Abdul-Rahim Mugahi in his compilation, ‘The Heart of Hearts’, while the translation in English was carried out by Shaykh Saleem Bhimji.

