Prophets and Imams have continuously made the treasures of the shrewdness of mankind bloom all through history, by directing them to a thriving and achieving flawlessness. The arrangement of the ideal world and so-called a perfect society is one of their objectives, where individuals, free from cruelty and treachery, obtain a genuine and real perfectness; and gain divine knowledge.
One of the foremost unmistakable highlights of Imam Mahdi is his command to set up an all-inclusive equity in the world which is full of maltreatment, mistreat, and corrupt practice.
This characteristic is the exceptional issue that was thought of by the author of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Imam Khomeini. Within the words of his majesty, such a state is the place wherever the abused, the denied, and the barefooted have to be served as the central column and the focal pillar of the society.
When Imam Mahdi comes, every oppressed man and women will find an entrance to unleash themselves from hardship and will taste the elegance of emancipation.
At that time a full battle and struggle will be put against the mercilessness, brutality, and heartlessness of the oppressors and those who subject others to undue pressures.
We, as Muslims, need to heartily focus on the Imam of the Time, and show humbleness before him so that this humbleness my assist us to get nearer to Allah and be able to show our acquiescence to Him the Exalted, the Glorified.
Editor in Chief: Sayyed ‘Abd-al-Mahdi Tavakol