The Number of the Shi‘a Imams

We have given sufficient explanation about the tradition or traditions that indicate that the number of Imams (peace be upon them) is thirteen in the treatise “Clarity of Vision for One Who Follows the Twelve Imams.” There, we have clarified that the a tradition with this meaning does not exist; moreover, even if such a tradition were to exist, it is a tradition with a single narrator and with regard …

How can we indeed believe in the existence of al-Mahdi?

Supposing that the hypothesis of the Expected Leader and all that it comprehends of prolonged life, early leadership and a silent absence, is possible, that would not be enough proof for his existence, thus, how can we indeed believe in the existence of al-Mahdi? Would some narratives related in books on the Great Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him and his progeny) be enough for perfect conviction …

Why should we pray for Imam al-Mahdi’s health?

Why should we pray for Imam al-Mahdi’s health? Based on Islamic narrations, it is a fact that Allah has promised to protect Imam al-Mahdi from everything that would jeopardize his mission. Therefore, he has to remain alive and healthy till he fulfills his mission. Here a question is raised that why we are recommended to pray for his wellness while he will remain safe by the will of Allah and …

How can we demonstrate the necessity of Imamate Based on the Argument of Instinct?

The other intellectual proof of the necessity of Imamate is called the Argument of instinct. People with different religions have an instinctive tendency towards a Perfect Man as the Savior who knows everything, can solve every problem, and is able to bring about peace, security, and unity in the world. When all people in the world without a single example are like this, it means that Allah has created this …

How can we demonstrate the necessity of Imamate Based on the Argument of Purpose?

Putting aside the authentic narrations written in the books of traditions, there are some intellectual arguments that prove the necessity of Imamate one of which is called the Argument of Purpose. We know that there is a purpose behind whatever Allah does; and Allah Who is All-Wise never creates something that is useless in which there is no clear purpose or reason behind it. Some Sunni theologians who are called …