The Only Path to Salvation

Bottom of Form The Only Path to Salvation   Introduction Many theories of salvage have been introduced to free humanity from its current dark chaotic status. From a Quranic point of view, “reform” is considered the path to salvage and the secret to an everlasting community (Hud: 117). Of course, there are those who falsely claim reform, which are the hypocrites (Baqara: 11 & 12). In this article, after a …

The Sun Behind the Clouds

Bottom of Form The Sun Behind the Clouds One of the common narrations relayed to convey the role of Imam Mahdi (AS) during his occultation is the analogy of the ‘Sun behind the Clouds’. In this text, Allamah Majlisi sheds the light on this tradition and provides key points to explain the meaning and significance of the meaning behind this similitude. In what follows, is a sample of traditions, which …