Why were the conduct, manner, and methods of the Imams (peace be upon them) not the same in regard to performance of their duty?

Contrary to what is said, the conduct of the Imams (peace be upon them) in confronting various events that were similar to an extent was not very divergent, since all of their conduct was within the scope of the principles and agenda of Shiaism, which are the original principles of Islam itself. All of their actions and programs demonstrated the truth of Islam and its redemptive teachings. And if we …

explain the difference between Allah’s and the Imam’s knowledge and between the Imam’s and the Prophet’s knowledge.

ANSWER: Anyone who studies the books of history, traditions, and biographies will not doubt the fact that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and the pure Imams (peace be upon them) made known many unseen matters, most of which took place in the world within a short period. These reports, especially what has come down from the person of the noble Prophet (peace be upon him …

What was the secret of appointing the Imams to the position of Imamate and Wilayah? Is human intellect able to understand this?

This question is not exclusive to the appointment of the Imams (peace be upon them), but can be brought up regarding the selection of all the prophets and even angels such as Jibra’il, the Trustee of revelation, and regarding the superiority of some prophets over others and some nations and individuals over others, and in the same way about the superiority of humanity over many other types of creation. The …