Imam Ḥusayn and Imam Mahdi

Imam Ḥusayn and Imam Mahdi   The cries of help raised by Imam Husain (a.s.) on the day of Ashura didn’t die away in Karbala itself. Indeed, it reverberated with greater intensity with the passage of time. Those who weren’t present in this physical world but were yet to come too had said labbaik on hearing his (a.s.) plea. There’s a strong connection between the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) …

Imam al-Ḥusayn's Narrations about Imam al-Mahdi

Imam al-Ḥusayn's Narrations about Imam al-Mahdi   Preface The happening of Āshūrā is an apex of the Islamic and Shiite history for which it always deserves several comprehensive studies. Among what deserves more attention is the various statements narrated from Imam Hussain about Imam Mahdi and his appearance. In his remarks, Imam Hussain highlighted certain features of Imam Mahdi, the signs of his appearance, and the grandeur of that time …

The rise of Imam Mahdi; Realizing the goals of ‘Ᾱshūrā on a global scale

The rise of Imam Mahdi; Realizing the goals of ‘Ᾱshūrā on a global scale The Husseini Ashura and the uprising of the Promised Mahdi (AS) are seen as links in the chain of battles between the forces of truth and falsehood. In a way, Ashura paves the way for the anticipation of Mahdi’s appearance, fulfilling the objectives of Ashura on a global level. Karbala and Tribulation  The Husseini Movement and the Emergence of the Savior …