​ The month of Rajab 1446 A.H.

​Rajab (Arabic: رَجَب) or Rajab al-Murajjab (Arabic: رَجَب المُرَجَّب) is the seventh month of the lunar year. The word "Rajab" literally means to honor and respect. Thus the month has been called so because it is honored and respected. According to lexicological sources, Arabs respected this month even before the emergence of Islam and avoided fighting therein. The Rajab month is also called "Rajab al-Fard" (the lonely Rajab) because it is discontinuous with the rest of the Ḥarām months all of which are consecutive: Dhu l-Qa'da, Dhu l-Hijja, and Muharram. After the emergence of Islam, these months were yet more respected and deemed sacred.
Prophet Muhammad (s) is cited as saying that "Rajab is God's month, Sha'bān is my month, and Ramaḍān is my people's month", and that "fasting one day in Rajab is like fasting one month".
The first Thursday night of the Rajab month is called Laylat al-Raghā'ib in which special practices are recommended by hadiths. The tradition of I'tikāf is practiced from 13th through 15th of this month—known as Ayyam al-Biḍ (the white days).
The most important historical event that took place in Rajab is the Bi'that (the first revelation) of the Prophet (s). The other important events that occurred in this month include the birthdays of Imam al-Bāqir (a), Imam al-Jawād (a), and Imam 'Ali (a), and the martyrdoms of Imam al-Hādi (a) and Imam al-Kāẓim (a).
It is supererogatory or recommended to visit the shrines of the Infallibles (a) in this month, especially visiting Imam al-Husayn (a) at the beginning and the middle of the month and visiting Imam al-Riḍā (a).
'Abd Allah b. al-'Abbās is quoted as saying that when the Rajab month began, Muslims gathered around the Prophet (s). After praising God and mentioning the previous prophets, he said:
“O' Muslims! A great, blessed month has spread its shadow on you; this is the month when the divine mercy pours on whoever worships God except for a polytheist or a heretic. Verily there is a night in the Rajab month in which a vigilant who says prayers the whole night will have his or her body protected from the Hell; a thousand angels shake hands with him or her, and a thousand angels ask God for his or her forgiveness until the next year. [The Prophet (s) went on:] If a person fasts a day in the Rajab month, he or she will be protected from fears of the Dooms Day and will be saved from the Hell.”