Why should we pray for Imam al-Mahdi’s health?

Why should we pray for Imam al-Mahdi’s health? Based on Islamic narrations, it is a fact that Allah has promised to protect Imam al-Mahdi from everything that would jeopardize his mission. Therefore, he has to remain alive and healthy till he fulfills his mission. Here a question is raised that why we are recommended to pray for his wellness while he will remain safe by the will of Allah and …

Will be sin totally annihilated after Imam al-Mahdi’s rule has been established?

Will be sin totally annihilated after Imam al-Mahdi’s rule has been established? The most important motives for the human being's sinning are, on the one hand, his avarice in hoarding material wealth and, on the other hand, his sense of need for the goods of this world. If the human being possesses a sufficient amount of wealth, and a good social reputation, if his mentality becomes Divine-permeated, if the world …

After Imam al-Mahdi establishes his rule, will there be any oppressors remaining in power?

After Imam al-Mahdi establishes his rule, will there be any oppressors remaining in power? The characters of the universal rule of Imam al-Mahdi will be the worldwide maintenance of peace, security, justice, and the annihilation of the foundations of corruption, decadence, oppression, and crime. This has been the main purpose of all the prophets and establishing worldwide peace and security has always constituted one of their promises. And so the …

Do we really love our Imam?

Do we really love our Imam? Every Moslem claims to like his hidden Imam so much, but the question is this: How much is one sincere and true in his claim and how much is his love real? The fact is that no one can claim to love someone but in action does not do what the lover demands. Just a mere love that is not accompanied with required action …

Is Imam al-Mahdi informed of the time of his appearance?

Is Imam al-Mahdi informed of the time of his appearance?   It is a matter of discussion whether Imam al-Mahdi is informed of the time of his appearance or not. There are two opinions as response: Some scholars believe that the Imam does not know the time of his appearance. Regarding this, they refer to some groups of authentic narrations: In some of them, those who have set a time …

What do the Christians believe in regard with the Savior?

What do the Christians believe in regard with the Savior? The Gospel that is the name of the Christians divine book, refers to one of the four books in the Bible. It has been collected and written separately by four individuals and is famous by the names of them who are Luke, John, Matthew, and Mark. Now we mark some of the parts of it that is pertinent to the …

Could you please mention the names, titles and agnomens of Imam Mahdi?

Could you please mention the names, titles and agnomens of Imam Mahdi? Reply: The real name of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is “M-H-M-D” which is the same as that of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had prophesied, “His name will be my name and his agnomen will be my agnomen.”[1] His agnomen is Abul Qasim. He is also addressed as Abu Saaleh, Abu Abdillah, Abu Ibrahim, Abu Ja’far …

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