explain the difference between Allah’s and the Imam’s knowledge and between the Imam’s and the Prophet’s knowledge.

ANSWER: Anyone who studies the books of history, traditions, and biographies will not doubt the fact that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and the pure Imams (peace be upon them) made known many unseen matters, most of which took place in the world within a short period. These reports, especially what has come down from the person of the noble Prophet (peace be upon him …

What was the secret of appointing the Imams to the position of Imamate and Wilayah? Is human intellect able to understand this?

This question is not exclusive to the appointment of the Imams (peace be upon them), but can be brought up regarding the selection of all the prophets and even angels such as Jibra’il, the Trustee of revelation, and regarding the superiority of some prophets over others and some nations and individuals over others, and in the same way about the superiority of humanity over many other types of creation. The …

How is Mahdism related to the Globalization?

Conceptology of globalization Lexical concept: From the lexical point of view, "globalization" is derived from "globe". The word "globe" means sphere, and rounding;[1] also “the globe” means the world and universal.[2] Therefore, "Globalization" can be understood as "the interconnectedness of the world in all fields", in that it is like an interconnected being. Terminological concept: For the globalization, in terms of terminology, there is not a single and stipulated definition …

How is the composition of Imam Mahdi's governance?

One of the most important achievements of Imam Mahdi's appearance is to form a global government, which means a transnational, trans-regional and trans-ethnic government. In this approach, the extent of Imam Mahdi's ruling moreover all Islamic tribes and clans, includes all other religions and nations of the world. Hence due to the widely related and authentic traditions narrated from the Prophet and the infallible Imams (p.b.u.t), the global government of …

What are the physical descriptions of Imam Mahdi, based on the Islamic narrations?

Introduction Imam Mahdi (p.b.u.h) is the Imam of believers from all social strata, but, naturally, many people are not capable of using the argumentation of Imamology. Hence, for ordinary people, a simple way for having a better understanding of the Imam and making a better image of him in their minds is to know the physical characteristics of the Imam, which have been reflected in Islamic narrations. Of course, in …

Who are the "Twelve Imams"?

A set of hadiths narrated by our Sunni brothers about twelve successors of the Prophet will be presented in this article. There are different versions of these hadiths; sometimes the term Amīr, or ruler/leader is used for the twelve Imams and sometimes the term caliph, or successor, is used. It is interesting to note that in these sets of hadiths, the number twelve is always used. In a hadith in …

What are the Muslims' duties in the era of Imam Mahdi's disappearance?

One of the issues that the believers in Imam Mahdi would like to understand during the time of his Major Occultation, is to take cognizance of the tasks that are assigned to them during this period. It is totally clear that a loyal expectant awaiting the Imam and looking forward to the great universal peacemaker must also show his or her expectation and readiness in beliefs, thoughts, and actions. It …

Why do we just celebrate the beginning of Imam Mahdi’s Imamate, but we do not do it for other Imams after the martyrdom of the previous ones!?

In response, we can pay attention to some points: First, creating a culture to celebrate the Days of Allah[1], such as Ghadir and Mab'ath Eve,[2] the anniversary of the Holy Prophet’s birthday, and other religious occasions are rooted in the cultural life of the Household of the Prophet. The Shias celebrate both of the birthday and the day of the beginning the mission of the Messenger of Allah; and both …

Will Imam Mahdi be a tyrant Upriser?

A large number of narrations about the wars and the killings at the End of Time are related to the era before the appearance of Imam Mahdi which should not be ascribed to the Imam and the period of his ruling. As for those narrations dedicated to the time of the advent of Imam Mahdi and depict his uprising violently and murderously, they bear a serious problem in terms of …

What is the reason behind the battles of Imam Mahdi with the enemies?

According to Islamic narrations, during the emergence of Imam Mahdi, he will confront various groups and sects as non-believers in him; however, he will adopt different methods against each group of his opponents because all of these disbelievers would not be the same. Of course, a majority of the disbelievers are the ordinary people who do not know the Imam and the magnificent rank of the Imamate so, at the …

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